SUMMARY No.2 ~ Summer 2018 in Song Shan Fawang Temple 嵩山法王寺

*** NEW DISCIPLES *** Together with Mr. El Houssin Bahamou (释妙森), Mr. Abdella Idlhaj (释妙迪), Mr. Mouhamed Mohamadi (释妙德) from Morocco, and Mr. Olivier Fong Yan (释妙利) from French Reunion Island also became Master Shi Heng Jun’s disciple. After a ceremony, the names of the 36th generation of Shaolin were given to them by Master Shi Heng Jun.

*** SSDU CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION *** We are pleased to inform that this summer, Shaolin Secular Disciples’ Union (SSDU) gave “Certificate of Authorization” to Shifu Kanishka Sharma from India, and to Mr. El Houssain Bahamou from Agadir, Morocco. It allows them to be a official representative of SSDU in their respective countries, and to expand Shaolin Kung Fu in collaboration with SSDU headquarter in Deng Feng, China.

*** SSDU MEETING *** Master Shi Heng Jun held a meeting to introduce SSDU activities to foreign participants.